What is Print Media?

What is Print Media?
Print media refers to publications that are distributed in a printed form on paper, such as newspapers, which must be delivered to customers in physical form either through hand delivery or physical purchase.


Print media is one of the most common ways for people to stay informed about current events, technology and other special interests.


Print media is extremely varied in terms of what sorts of topics are covered; normal newspapers typically report relevant current events, but other periodicals may be printed purely for entertainment or made for a specific interest, such as fashion, fitness or a certain sport.


Print media is relatively cheap and does not require access to technology, such as a computer, to use. Periodicals and magazines are also extremely portable.


Digital media, such as Internet news and video websites, present a stiff source of competition to print media.


The importance of print media may decline in the future due to the rise of mobile technology and the Internet which allow users to access news and other information from remote locations on demand.

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